Krista’s Click Worthy Stories: Walmart Locations Are Cracking Down On Self-Checkout And Issuing Citations

    How would you rate your accuracy with self-checkout?  Have you ever realized something didn’t get scanned, or you forgot to get it out of your cart?

    Some Walmart locations are cracking down on self-checkout “shoplifting,” and are issuing citations if people walk away without paying for all their items.

    In some cases, people ARE stealing . . . and that’s bad . . . but a report out of Arizona talked with people who claim they were cited for MISTAKES, while handling a LARGE number or items, or dealing with children while checking out.

    In some cases, the police were called . . . one woman said that because her mistake was more than $30, the sheriff arrested her for petty theft.  She didn’t say what the “mistake” was, but $30 isn’t just missing a couple veggies.

    Of course, many people DON’T EVEN WANT to do their own checkout.  In a recent poll, people were asked what they’d do if there were NO LINES.  56% said they want a human casher . . . and just 36% said they’d do self-checkout.